
Issue 1 :: Autumn 2007

Oisín Mac Suibhne is a Texan artist, introduced to the craft in Nov. 2004 by a stained glass artist from Cork, Ireland.
Oisín draws his inspiration from various mythologies, most predominately Irish. His fluid style attempts to capture both the rich imagery and deep currents of the Celtic culture, while at the same time he seeks to create an individual style in a field so often trapped in its own history.

An Bradán Feasa (The Salmon of Knowledge) (art)

Darby Larson has had literature published at Mcsweeney's Internet Tendency, Opium Magazine, Eclectica, 3AM Magazine, Barrelhouse Magazine, Eyeshot, Bullfight Review, and .ISM Quarterly. He lives in Northern California with his wife, Sarah.

Electroence-phalography (stories)

Cameron Gray was born in Melbourne, Australia in 1984 and currently resides in Tasmania studying Contemporary Art at the University of Tasmania. He has studied Graphic Design & Multimedia and has also studied at the Academy of the Arts, Inveresk, showing an interest in drawing, sculpture, jewellery making, painting and digital art. In 2002 Cameron won the AGFA Australia award for best body of Pre-tertiary photography with his digital art at Launceston College.
He has been heavily influenced by the work of David Ho, Steve Danzig, Mike Bohatch, Fabrice Lavollay, Stephen Kasner and Gulnar Guvenc to name a few. In 2003 his work was exhibited in Art Rage and published by the Queen Victoria Museum & Art Gallery and in 2005 Cameron was accepted into the guest gallery of the Museum Of Computer Art.
His tools of the trade include a G4 eMac with Photoshop, Illustrator, Bryce, Poser, Gimp, Vue 5, a Wacom Tablet and a Canon S2IS Digital Camera.
Cameron's work is regularly displayed at and

Charging The Inspiration (art)

Nadine Darling is broke-ass and sick with love. A three-time Pushcart Prize nominee, she lives in the greater Boston area with her husband and fellow writer Kenneth Darling, who, with respect to Aimee Mann, saved her from the ranks of the freaks who suspect that they could never love anyone.

Arrow (stories)

A native of Boston, Massachusetts, Kenneth Darling's short fiction and poetry can be found in a number of literary journals, both online and at newsstands. He recently completed his first novel, Hiders, and is hard at work on his second. He shares a home, a life, and a website with Nadine Darling, a national treasure.

Drive Thru (stories)

Lavie Tidhar grew up on a kibbutz in Israel, lived in Israel and South Africa, travelled widely in Africa and Asia, and has lived in London for a number of years. He currently lives on a remote island in Vanuatu, the South Pacific. He is the winner of the 2003 Clarke-Bradbury Prize (awarded by the European Space Agency), was the editor of "Michael Marshall Smith: The Annotated Bibliography" (PS Publishing, 2004) and the anthology "A Dick & Jane Primer for Adults" (The British Fantasy Society, 2006), and is the author of the novella "An Occupation of Angels" (Pendragon Press, 2005). His stories appear in SciFiction, Strange Horizons, Chizine, Postscripts, Clarkesworld Magazine, Flurb and many others, and in translation in seven languages.

Hello Goodbye (stories)

Jordan E. Rosenfeld is author of "Make a Scene" (Writer's Digest Books, Nov, 2007) and with Rebecca Lawton, "Write Free: Attracting the Creative Life," (Kulupi Press, Summer, 2007.) She is a book reviewer for The California Report on NPR-Affiliate KQED Radio and for the San Francisco Chronicle. She is a contributing editor/columnist for Writer's Digest Magazine. Her fiction has appeared in The Pedastal, Void, Juked, Pindeldyboz, SmokeLong Quarterly and more. She holds an MFA in creative writing from Bennington College. She edited the anthology "Zebulon Nights" (Word Riot Press).
Visit her at
Learn more about Write Free at:

Aliens (stories)

Lesley C. Weston loves character driven stories, loves words more than food.
Her stories have or will appear in Smokelong Quarterly, Gator Springs Gazette,, Alien Skin, UR Paranormal, Ars Medica, and Pisgah Review, among others.

Not In The Yellow Pages (stories)

Rusty Barnes co-founded and oversees Night Train ( and maintains webspace at

The Intrigue of Being Watched (poetry)

Hunting Season (poetry)

Ilona Taube was born in Moscow in 1983. She finished eleven years of art school in 2000. After that, she entered the Graphic Arts Department of The Moscow State University of Printing and graduated in 2005, as a "graphic artist" (BA). Now, Ilona works as an illustrator for several publishing houses in Moscow, Russia, which publish books of different genres and styles: "Ventana Graf", "Titul", "Prosveshcheniye", "Roman-gazeta", "Avanta+", "AST", "Rosman" and "Terra". Quite regularly she takes part in art exhibitions. Beside illustrations she also likes to create paintings. Her paintings are a mix of reality and fantasy where new characters are brought to life from the artist’s mind. Her favorite styles are realism, modern art, surrealism and fantasy.
Ilona's e-mail:

The Prophet -- eyes detail (art)

The Prophet -- two figures (art)

Timothy Gager is the author of "Short Street" and "Twenty-Six Pack", collections of short fiction, and two books of poetry, "The Same Corner of the Bar" and "We Needed A Night Out". He hosts the Dire Literary Series in Cambridge, Massachusetts every month and is the co-founder of Somerville News Writers Festival, where he has shared the stage with Pulitzer Prize winners Franz Wright and Robert Olen Butler.

really nice on drugs (poetry)

your personal ground zero (to franz wright) (poetry)

moving boxes (poetry)

Originally from Montreal Canada, Magali Cadieux works in acrylics, occasionally applying oils, ink and enamels as well as elements of collage and construction (metal and plaster) to her art. She employs hot tonalities and honest, sharp color to convey her interest in the subconscious self figuratively, with strong emotion. Magali draws on her travels and observations of human nature for inspiration. Magali invites the viewer to explore the universe with her. Her work can be found in private collections and fine art galleries across Canada, the United States, and Europe. Contact her at or visit her website:

Spring (art)

Gini Hamilton writes both fiction and nonfiction and has published articles and essays in regional newspapers and magazines. She has recently returned to her birthplace near the Gulf Coast of Alabama after more than thirty years in New York, where she worked as a fashion editor/photo stylist. The short story in this issue is her first fiction publication.

Natural History (stories)

Steven J. Dines (b.1975) lives in the granite city of Aberdeen, Scotland, where he has been writing short fiction for many years. His work has appeared in over fifty print and online publications, including Dark Tales, BuzzWords, Word Riot, Noö Journal, Underground Voices, Outsider Ink, Eclectica, TQR, The Rose & Thorn, The Late Late Show, and many others. His story, "Unzipped," was selected as one of the Notable Stories of 2005 in storySouth’s Million Writers Award. For more information check out his blog:

Unzipped (stories)

Christopher S. Cosco is a photographer and artist currently engaged in achieving a fine art degree in Barrie, Ontario. Strangely, his work has now appeared only in magazines with three letter names: NFG, JPG, and GUD.

the trial (art)

torso twenty-one (art)

Caleb Morgan's work is surrealist in content, yet has many expressionistic and abstract qualities to it. The artist's influences range from H.R. Giger and Chet Zar to Salvadore Dali and M.C. Esher. Morgan uses the graphite medium to a superb ablity bringing out disturbing yet beautiful images, of dreams, figures and nightmare scapes. He uses influences from his views on politics, organized religions to induce images that are as thought provoking in meaning as they are visually stunning. Mr. Morgan can be easily classified in the current group of progressive artists known as The Modern Surrealists.

Growth (art)

Leslie Claire Walker hails from the lush bayous and concrete-and-steel canyons of the Texas Gulf Coast, where she lives with dogs, cats, and harps. She is thrilled to have "Max Velocity" appear in GUD. Her short fiction has been published in Fantasy Magazine, Hags, Sirens, & Other Bad Girls of Fantasy, and Cosmic Cocktails. She is hard at work on a novel about a runaway and a rock star who ride the LA skies with the Wild Hunt. Her website is

Max Velocity (stories)

David Lenson is editor of the Massachusetts Review; he plays saxophone with Ed Vadas and with the Reprobate Blues Band.

The Illiterate Sky (stories)

Cami Park's fiction and poetry can be found in publications such as SmokeLong Quarterly, Opium Magazine, No Tell Motel, Ghoti Magazine, edifice WRECKED, FRiGG, and Forklift, Ohio.

The Banker Calls for Three Martinis and a Pipe (poetry)

Sisyphus of the Staircase (poetry)

Ali Al Saeed is a writer from Bahrain, born in 1978. For almost seven years, starting in 1998, he was a journalist writing for two of the leading English-speaking newspapers in the country. He then began his writing career, contributing regularly to a number of publications and magazines in the Gulf region. He wrote (and drew) his very first story – a sci-fi comic book – at the age of ten. In 2004, Ali published his debut novel, "QuixotiQ", which was a national best-seller and winner of the Bahrain 2004 Outstanding Book of the Year Award. He also writes short fiction with several of his stories appearing in various e-zines, journals and literary websites – including Gold Dust magazine, RSPublishing, Expose’d, In Posse Review, La Fenetre and Capture Weekly – and recently appeared in the anthologies Goodbye, Darwin (Apodis Publishing) and the New Romance (Arabesques Review). Ali is also a filmmaker, co-producing his first documentary film in 2006. His non-fiction book, "Models of Success: The Journey" was published at the same time. This was followed by "Moments", a collection of short stories, published later in the year. He is currently residing in Bahrain as a full time writer and freelancer.
For more information please visit

Steps To Darkened Ends (art)

Sean Melican has published in Lady Churchill's Rosebud Wristlet and Fictitious Force. He is currently an editor and book reviewer for Ideomancer (

In the Dark (stories)

Truth may be stranger than fiction, but it's far harder to track down. Jaine Fenn has sold fiction to Alfred Hitchcock's Mystery Magazine, On Spec, and a few other places. She has yet to sell, or buy, Truth. Further UnTruths may be found at

Fear not Heaven's Fire (stories)

Brian Conn's work has appeared in Sybil's Garage and Lady Churchill's Rosebud Wristlet. He is a graduate of the 2004 Clarion West Writers Workshop and is currently a student in the MFA program at Brown University. He lives in Providence. Visit his website at

Experiment: Love (stories)

Matt Bell lives in Saginaw, Michigan, with his wife Jessica. His writing has appeared in magazines such as Hobart, Barrelhouse, Caketrain, and McSweeney's Internet Tendency. He is also the reviews editor for SmokeLong Quarterly and can be found online at

Anything (stories)

Nisi Shawl's story "Cruel Sistah" was included in The Year's Best Fantasy and Horror #19. Her work has also appeared in So Long Been Dreaming: Postcolonial Science Fiction & Fantasy and both Dark Matter anthologies. Recently she perpetrated "The Snooted One: The Historicity of Origin" at the Farrago's Wainscot website. With Cynthia Ward, she co-authored "Writing the Other: Bridging Cultural Differences for Successful Fiction" (Aqueduct Press). A board member of the Clarion West Writers Workshop, one of the Carl Brandon Society's founders, and a guest speaker at Stanford University and Smith College, Nisi likes to relax by pretending she lives in other people's houses.

Women of the Doll (stories)

Pieces of Rebekah Frumkin's oeuvre can be found in FRiGG, Grimm Magazine, and Scrivener Creative Review. She lives and studies in America's kitsch-ridden heartland. Any endorsements, grievances, or second replies should be sent via email to "The Gods of Houston" originally appeared in Antithesis Common Literary Magazine in Fall of 2006.

The Gods of Houston (stories)

Kenneth L Clark writes verse and fiction. His work has appeared in Equinox, Tabula Rasa, The Story Garden, and online journals that have disappeared. He resides in the southeastern United States and travels north for shoofly pie.

A Doorbell (poetry)

In Defense Of The Boll-Weevil (poetry)

Catholic Girls (poetry)

Mike Procter lives in Calgary, Alberta with his wife Cheryl and their two laptops. People who know him wonder what he does all day. He writes about life, and stuff. Mostly stuff.

Item 27 (stories)

Christian A. Dumais is an English lecturer at the Wrocław University of Technology in Poland. Despite having lived in Poland for four years, he has somehow invented more English words than he has learned Polish words. His most recent article is "An Examination of the Shape of a Story in Metafictional Postmodernist Literature," published by Systems, a Polish academic journal. He's also been published by TooSquare, City Style, and The Weekly Planet. He can be contacted at He sincerely thanks you for taking the time to read his story.

Mad Dogs (reports)

Tammy R. Kitchen lives in Michigan with her daughter and three cats. Her work has appeared in Twisted Tongue, juked, Me Three, and Zygote In My Coffee. She may be contacted at

Jimmy's Luck (stories)