Issue 3 cover


by Sylvia Eastman

Issue 3 :: Autumn 2008 (poetry)

Or buy the rest of just this piece for $0.50!

"Conquered" is roughly 17 words.

Sylvia Eastman received her MFA in creative writing from the University of British Columbia in 2005. Her thesis, feature-film script Forgetting Edie, was short-listed for the Praxis Fall 2005 Screenwriting Workshop and was a semifinalist in the 9th Annual American Screenwriters Association International Screenplay Competition. Due to an unabated desire to avoid finding a real job, Sylvia’s currently developing two TV comedies, Brain Freeze and Stretchy Pants. In her spare time, Sylvia pens non-fiction pieces about light, humorous topics, like aging and death. Sylvia and her man live in Vancouver, where they breed dust bunnies for fun, but never for profit.