News: The Greatest* Halloween Pumpkin Carving Contest

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

GUD's 2007 Pumpkin Carving Contest

What is it? Well, it's that time of year, and we thought we'd throw up some merriment, throw down some candy, ...

The best pumpkin with "GUD" carved into it wins free copies of issues 0 and 1! But wait, there's more! ;) There's two categories we'll consider--real pumpkins and "virtual" pumpkins. For the "real" category, you'll win "real" copies; and for the "virtual" category, you'll win "virtual" copies (PDFs). If you already have a copy, you can always gift them to a friend.

Mind you, also, you're welcome to carve more into the pumpkin than just the acronym "GUD".

Here's one "virtual" pumpkin carving site, though feel free to use (and suggest) others; or feel free to draw/paint your virtual pumpkin from scratch:

How to submit:

  • Carve either a virtual or real pumpkin with the acronym "GUD"
  • Take a photo or screen shot or some such and post it to GUD's Pumpkin Carving Contest 2007 Flickr Group (note that submissions will be moderated to be sure only pumpkins are posted; and you'll need a flickr account).
  • Limit: two (2) entries per category
  • Deadline -- by the end of November 6th, 2007 (Pacific/California time).
*Greatest -- Greatest Uncommon Denominator Magazine ;)

And hey, what do you think of our Halloween duds? :)
- reddit, digg, facebook, stumbleupon, etc... please! ;)
posted by kaolin

1 comment; 0 subscribers

Wednesday, November 7, 2007 / 00:11:34
Well, that was fun. 0 entries. Maybe next year.

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