News: GUD's Pushcart XXXII Nominees
Tuesday, November 20, 2007

"Natural History" by Gini Hamilton
"Item 27" by Mike Procter
"Arrow" by Nadine Darling
"In the Dark" by Sean Melican
"Electroencephalography" by Darby Larson
"Hello Goodbye" by Lavie Tidhar
For informational purposes, Clifford Garstang has put together (and seems to be keeping updated) a list of "the top contenders for the Pushcart prize".
And for historical purposes, our nominations from last year. A little birdie tells me the Pushcart Prize anthologies tend to run _two_ years behind, so there's a chance we'll shortly be hearing that one of our nominations from 2006 might get an honorable mention in the 2008 Pushcart Prize Best Of. We'll be holding our breaths (in between exhales, most likely). :)
Discuss! :)
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