News: Issue 1 on press!
Tuesday, May 22, 2007

The proofs for Issue 1 are here and gone.
They arrived the other day. Monday, I checked them, and today, I made a few tweaks and approved the final copy. Yes, we're on press!
We should have the copies in hand in about 10 days, if we can go by the schedule kept last time around.
In other news, as you might have heard, the United States Postal Service turned us a nasty. Postage has gone UP. Ground rates to foreign soil have evaporated. Everything must be sent airmail, overseas. What that means is that, unfortunately, the shipping surcharge has gone up for anyplace NOT UK or Australia (where some kind folks have offered to accept bulk shipments and remail for us). It's now an additional $6 to mail GUD elsewhere in the world, per shipment. Sigh. What a blow for us, just as we were planning worldwide domination.
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Wednesday, May 23, 2007 / 04:05:53
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