News: Bam Bam Slammed! and video promotion
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
First, check out this nifty promotional video PoetEngel Promotions made for us--teasers from a number of issues, both text and art on top of a beautiful song (in my opinion) titled "Maggots and Liars" by Inner Surge. PoetEngel is primarily focused on helping promote indie/unsigned bands, but she's doing what she can to spread the word of GUD as well. :)
Then check out Timothy Gager's BAM BAM SLAM reading of his poem "Moving Boxes" from GUD Issue 1 :: Autumn 2007:
And you can rate his slam and experience more of his poetry on BAM BAM SLAM.
Thoughts? :)
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4 comments; 0 subscribers
Tuesday, March 11, 2008 / 16:17:17
Tuesday, March 11, 2008 / 16:24:01
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