News: 30 days of GUD
Thursday, October 1, 2009
It's hard to believe the 30 days September hath, have drawn to an end--and "30 days of GUD" along with it. Thirty PDF prizes granted, and one grand prize still to be determined. If you weren't playing along--where were you, and how could we have better got your attention?
First, I want to grant two additional PDF prizes--one to GUD contributor magneticcrow, who frequently made my day with her clever GUD-affirming entries, a few of which I picked out to share with you all:
And one to twitterer (twitterite?) js22222222, who valiantly entered each one of those 30 days!
Thank you both for the enthusiasm =) (DM me with the issue you would like)
Next I want to share with everyone the diversity of our 30 (29, actually, as one won twice!) daily winners (who are all entered for the final grand prize draw):
I want to thank you all for your entries! There were over 3000 entries total over the span of the 30 days, ranging from a low of 51 entires to a peak of 192! A total of 741 different accounts tossed their name in the hat, most of them just trying once or twice. But we appreciated every entry. :)
And now for the GRAND PRIZE--I had that part done right by the good folks of, whose system I used "unofficially" to pick the daily winners. It's harder to be impartial with the larger prize, though, so I want it independent, 3rd party, verified, etc. I actually had them pick three winners for a few more things to give away.
So: 3rd "grand" prize goes to samu3lk -- you get another PDF of GUD! I guess that ties you with Serok42, so you can stop fighting over that. ;)
2nd "grand" prize goes to -- a hardcopy issue of GUD--your choice of issue. =) DM us your choice and address. :)
And the *GRAND* grand prize goes to Merhlyn. DM us your email or phone # and we'll chat!
And that's not the end of the festivities. We've got other ideas up our sleeves. For one, we'll be participating in "Free e-day 2009", and we've been doing "What would you do for a GUD Magazine" on and off--which will pick up more steam as soon as I can convince somebody else to actually talk it up and run it, I think. ;) So far we've had a "GUD Treasure Hunt" done up, a "GUD Endurance Blog", and had a person dye their hair to complement the copy of GUD we sent them. Just to give you a feel for it. And if you have other ideas, suggestions, etc, we'd love to hear them, of course. :)
P.S. 10/1 is "Support our 'Zines Day"! So, erm, please! Another post on that later today, if I can get it together. :)
4 comments; 4 subscribers
Especially since I doubt this will be the end of them. :D
*insert evil laughter*
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